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Christian Soldier

I learned a lot sitting at my Dad's bedside yesterday.

After several hours, I simply gave up.  I stopped telling him to be quiet, close his eyes, try to sleep.   I stopped fussing over him, pleading with him to rest.  I finally stopped talking, and just listened. And then I started to realize that the medicine going into his veins was not nearly as healing to him as the endless stream of people who called and visited, and held his trembling hands, and prayed with him. Who smiled as he spoke to each one of them as if they were the most important person in the world.  I began to see that he needed to talk far more than he needed to "be quiet".  And I needed to listen.  Just listen.

It's been days since his surgery--considered minor, and judged to be successful.  But he's very sick, inexplicably so---and he's tired of fighting. This one battle seems to be a much bigger enemy than the Colonel has faced in a long time.  He's tired, he says, but wants nothing more than to get out of that room.  "I've got too many things to do", he repeats over and over.  I wondered what he could be so worried about doing.  If there are things that need to be done, I thought---we will get them done.  Hire it done, if necessary.  Stop worrying, I thought... be still, and rest. Just rest.

I watched his weak eyes light up as nurses---strangers-- entered the room, and he would ask them about their lives, their families. Witness.  I saw them smile, touched, surprised. I stopped reminding him that they were busy, to let them go, and do their jobs.  And I started to realize that maybe they really weren't so very busy.  That God had something they needed, today, in the form of a very wise and wonderful man, room 589, 81 year old male.  They entered the room with medicines and orders, and left with something they would never chart.  But would be written, forever, I am sure, in their hearts.

His face lit up as church members entered,  many of them involved in ministries with him,  and I watched him hang onto their every word, asking, offering advice, encouraging.  I heard him tell one man that he had had to stop his weekly goal of "winning at least one soul to Christ"...He said that he hasn't been able to accomplish that lately. I understood what these things were that he was so desperate to get up and out to do.

And all I could think was that I don't know if I win one soul to Christ in a year.

He was sleeping when I finally left last night.  I watched him for a very long time before I rose to go, and wondered if he was dreaming about all those "many things" he wanted--needed to do.  All those people he wanted so desperately to bring to Christ, even now, weak, and old, and sick.  Wanting to get out of that bed and do what he had been doing all of his life, if only this old body would let him go.  A soldier for Christ--who will fight until his last breath for just one more..one more to know his Lord who he loves so very, very much.

Sleep, Dad.  The angels are watching.

And we're all listening.

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Reader Comments (1)

Wow, I know this is an older blog post but how touching to know that in all manner of life your Dad has touched one person, then two people and then even more and more! This message blessed my heart and inspired me to be more of the person God has called me to be for his kingdom.

June 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRhonda Hinton Madison

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