Answers and Angels
At times I'm fairly certain the angels may actually dread ushering me into heaven when I am finally called home. Deep inside myself I know that I will not be able to speak (which is in itself a miracle!)...will have no breath in my lungs except to sing His praises. Amazed, in awe at His indescribable beauty, I will fall at His throne, weakened under the weight of it, yet stronger than I have ever been. I will sing, and it will be beautiful, for the very first time.
But today I can't see myself entering these gates in a perfect body, with perfect and intelligent thoughts....Having no thought but to join with all of creation in worship and praise. Today I can only picture myself carrying a whole lifetime of questions for God, enough to last for eternity, enough to fill the heavens themselves.
Begging forgiveness. Only I could even imagine being in your presence; there at Your feet...with any thought in my head beyond praise. To be in this place You prepared for us as promised, one that all of mankind has spoken of for centuries, trying, but failing, to describe or imagine. Will I want to hide myself from You, even though You have made me acceptable? Will I be unable to look into Your face, even though I am now made capable of it? It is a shameful thing; coming into heaven with an agenda. My list of questions, even suggestions, as to how I might have done things differently...knowing You would give Your Son for me even now, as I dare to sit at the throne of the King of all Kings....and ask.
You tell us we will know everything there; that this perfect and beautiful place will hold no secrets, no deception, nothing left to wonder about. We will no longer question. But as I sit in this flawed and earthly shell I simply cannot fathom this. Lord, You know me. I imagine myself on my knees, unable to lift my head, to even move, yet somehow hearing myself asking, and asking, and hearing Your glorious Voice answering and answering....These things were My will...This is why...This I allowed. Even this was for My glory...
I dream of receiving the answers, of understanding, of relief, joy, acceptance. But wanting them now, here, where I am, as I am. A little portion of Your perfect peace. Open the gates and let it fall down and down into this dark and confusing place. We raise our opened hands to You, Lord, asking for just a glimpse, a tiny piece of Your heavenly kingdom. I imagine it like a cherub shaking glitter, reflecting Your light as it falls, or like the rain coming after a drought. Falling, covering. Taking our breath away. Beauty for ashes.
And then You show me again...Heaven came down to live with us, and among us. Holy, perfect, the spotless and beautiful Lamb...and we refused to see. In pain beyond bearing, in our sin beyond hope, hateful, dirty, You came to save, to comfort, to caress the very hands who drove the nails into Yours. Forgiveness and grace, even for me, who could question Your ways.
I know all of this, and more, somewhere inside this heart, things You have hidden there; priceless treasures I so seldom remember.
And yet, I still strongly caution the angels. I am a stubborn one. Impulsive, as I said in my last post. They will need to clear a path for me as I may just push ahead and run straight through, forgetting myself, lost in the Light, lost in His love, forgetting my questions. Wanting only to remain in His presence forever. Asking nothing, wanting nothing, needing nothing. Understanding everything... And finding myself, to my utter delight and surprise, no longer needing to.
And yes, fair warning...I will sing.
"For now we see through a glass, darkly, but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." ~ I Corinthians 13:12