Letter from Theo!

Rushing to get ready for church, I would have thought I did not have a second to spare. But oh, where there's a will...or a letter from Theo!!:-)
Received it in the mail yesterday and did not see it until this morning! Had to share a few highlights!
As you know, our Theo is 3, and so his Mentor wrote his words for us. I would have loved to have been there to hear him talk!
Theo lives with his mother, Harefa, and his father Hairya, in a village in Indonesia. He has 3 siblings (can't tell whether they are boys or girls0...Nambo (aged 2), Nandy (aged 2...twins? Must ask!), and Dinda, who is 1.
My Auburn friends will be delighted to know that his favorite colors are orange and blue!! (We will most certainly be teaching him "Roll Tide" as soon as possible!!)
His favorite food is Omelet and noodles. (Could that be an Indonesian version of eggs and grits?)
His hobbies are ball, swimming, and racing, and his best friends are Riang and Fince.
And my very, very favorite....His favorite Bible story is about the birth of Jesus.
Theo's mentor asks that we pray that Theo "be clever, be a good child and obey his parents, and fear the Lord."
Amen. And may I include my own prayer request that God continues to wrap this precious family in His loving arms and bless them. Pray that they will alll come to know the One Who loves them more than they can ever hope to imagine!
I do pray his family feels our prayers this morning in their little village!
Will update soon. Cross my heart.
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