A quiet but constant buzz in the room, cutting the air; the tension...glasses clanking, low conversation, private whispers. Bread broken and wine poured; each of them seated, either side of Him, as they had always done. Each jockyeying for position, wanting to get closer, but lost inside themselves, grateful for the meal, the setting sun, the cool evening air drying their freshly washed feet. They took the bread, accepted the wine as Jesus offered it...heard Him speaking to them, as every evening gone before; though some sensing an urgency in His voice. Teacher.. it's late. What are you telling us? Rest, Lord, We will fight for you..
The man in Him must have been pleading...Father, open their ears; I need to tallk to them; need them to hear me. I have so much I want them to know before I go. I imagine His unspoken words; ones He never had the chance to say...knowing they so desperately needed to hear them; would hold onto them in the coming days as a life line; their only comfort and hope in the wake of the most devastating hours they would ever know. The greatest joy and most unspeakable gift coming, surely, if only they would hear Him. Father...Speak Your words again, deep into their hearts..."This is My beloved Son...listen to Him.." Yet they wouldn't be reached; carried on their own conversations and agendas, sat at His table and judged each other, filling thier stomachs with food they knew only as bread and wine, and not His body or blood.
He must have needed a touch, a prayer, possibly from John.. surely he, at least, has thought of that? Dear Father, be with Your precious Son and my Lord. My best friend. Have mercy, Oh, God, on this longest of nights; be with us all, keeping watch.. and on our knees, beside Him, hear His prayer, as He cries out to you, blood sweat falling with every breath... Abba, Father....
Strong, able young men; able to fight if called on to do it; and 10 thousand angels beside them. They could save Him, set up their earthly kingdom together. This execution would be stopped; His enemies defeated. This wine a toast...a call to arms.
But He never asked them to pray for Him, or Peter to speak out in His defense instead of Peter's own. He never begged them to stay with Him and wait; to defend Him, in His darkest hour. It was only when He reached the Garden that He ever sought prayer, or comfort, and even then, this prayer was for them. There was no goodbye from friends; no kiss...but one of betrayal. Only this one thing He would have them to know, and to do. Love each other, He plead; eyes filled with compassion and grace beyond their comprehension or will to know...Love each other, my friends, just as I have always loved you.
Seated at His wonderful table...so much He has spoken to my heart and shown me in past days; leaving me full of His amazing grace; yet longing for those "great and unsearchable things" I have yet to know... Open my ears...soften my heart. Heavenly Father, I will listen...
Mark 9:7
John 13:34
Jeremiah 33:3
Matthew 26:41